Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We Started a 501c4

Guess I should have posted this back a few weeks ago, but didn't know it would be such a big freakin deal, so here it goes.

I got involved in the FB group 'Stop The Heights Walmart' a long time ago.  There are several people that are admins of that FB Group.  Those folks, and some others who have been willing to donate their time and effort, realized that in order to keep this thing organized and on point, we'd have to start an official group.  So we came up with the name 'Responsible Urban Development for Houston'.  We also put up the website 'Stop Heights Walmart', following in the footsteps of the FB page fame.  You can go to the RUDH page, and link to the STHWM Pages from there.  Website for RUDH is here.

So we started notifying the media outlets that we were having a meeting, and that I was one of the group of admins, and before you know it, we've got over 5000 members on the FB page.  After the meeting, because people wanted to donate $$ to the cause, we started the 501c4, RUDH.  We did White Linen Nights in the Heights (thanks!), and have started printing signs and bumper stickers, and working on our own studies to help fight this thing.

So, that is the brief history of Responsible Urban Development for Houston, and the wonderfully fun musings about fighting Walmart.

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