Tuesday, May 17, 2011

There Was A Protest This Past Weekend

It was almost like old times.  The media was out, and there were quite a few neighbors and friends out at the Yale Street bridge this past Saturday, including CM Gonzalez.

As most of you are aware, the Yale Street bridge is in pretty bad shape. This is made worse because the development(s) are going to be bringing more traffic and 18 wheelers over it, which isn't a good thing.

So, a protest was held over the weekend at the Bridge to raise awareness.

Here's some pretty good coverage over at ABC 13.

At 2:21 in the video, we get this message from CoH Public Works:

'The Yale Street Bridge will require upgrade or replacement in the foreseeable future, and PWE continues to explore all options for funding such work.'

Here's where you can get $6 Million to start ...

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